Monday, October 19, 2009

Final Year Project Briefing !

We have recieve this final year project titles
  1. Automatic Pet Feeder
  2. Self-Heating Bowl
  3. Clothesline with Rain Sensor

Which one we gonna choose huh ?
i think automatic pet feeder is better .
i much interested with that .

arghh too much work i have .
class until saturday .
tension tension !
since the beginning of this year i had no semester break .
final year really make me sick !
damn it !

dah la group kene rombak balik .
banyak btol prob .
saba je la .
think positive .
tomorrow nak kene jumpe our supervisor for final year project , Sir Scott Kirby .
he can't speak malay and i got messy english .
haiyoo makin rumit jadi nye .
macam mane la dia nak paham nnti yek .
but , i'll try my best for this .

this night do some research for the product .
and then make a comparison with others same product .
and tomorrow just discuss with Scott Kirby which product we should do .

place my target ; increase my pointer !
go go hadi !

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