Monday, October 26, 2009

Messy Day Ever ! haha

Today is my messy day ever !
haha i dont know why today i jadi mengong gile .
i'd skip my class coz of overslept .
then i woke up , i'd my shower and whatever else .
then i dressed up my GMi uniform and get ready for class .
i turun bawah then tegur kawan2 sume and i wondering why they all tak siap2 macam nak pergi klas .
tibe2 , ade la sorg kwn ni tegur ,

azraie : weh ko nak pegi mane tu?
hadi : pg klas CMM .
azraie : ko sewel ape , mane ade klas ngok . skang klas project .
hadi : eh , btol ke . aku tgk dlm jadual ade je . bak sini jadual jap
azraie : ko pg tgk jadual ade dlm beg aku tu .
hadi : ha'ah ye la , klas CMM esok . adoi aku da semangat da ni nak pg klas , haha

mereka pon punye la gelak gile2..hahhahaha adoi

ade lg satu cite kat kdai makan ,
i mkn roti bakar ngan air milo ais ,
then nak time nak byr tu ,

pnjaga kedai : mkn ape td ?
hadi : air bakar satu milo ais satu .

hahaha brader tu gelak je . adoi mmg xbtol la otak ni .
da mereng da. damnn

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bad day !

waaaa i had lost my hair !
rambut sudah pendek .
siot btol la .
4 month simpan .
benci btol la .
kene simpan balik .
sedih sedih .

Monday, October 19, 2009

Final Year Project Briefing !

We have recieve this final year project titles
  1. Automatic Pet Feeder
  2. Self-Heating Bowl
  3. Clothesline with Rain Sensor

Which one we gonna choose huh ?
i think automatic pet feeder is better .
i much interested with that .

arghh too much work i have .
class until saturday .
tension tension !
since the beginning of this year i had no semester break .
final year really make me sick !
damn it !

dah la group kene rombak balik .
banyak btol prob .
saba je la .
think positive .
tomorrow nak kene jumpe our supervisor for final year project , Sir Scott Kirby .
he can't speak malay and i got messy english .
haiyoo makin rumit jadi nye .
macam mane la dia nak paham nnti yek .
but , i'll try my best for this .

this night do some research for the product .
and then make a comparison with others same product .
and tomorrow just discuss with Scott Kirby which product we should do .

place my target ; increase my pointer !
go go hadi !

hmm hmm hmm .

bla bla bla bla..
what i'm trying to say huh ?
3.14 a.m right now .
trying to sleep but i can't .
nak kacau orang laen tapi sume dah tido .
haishh , nak merepek pon tak tau nak merepek ape .
hadi , pegi tido lahhh gile .
i should try to sleep now .
kang tak bangun pagi esok nak pegi klas .
1 , 2 , 3 ZzzzzZzzZ